Studying in the UK can change your life. But let's be honest, it’s pretty expensive and if you don’t plan it right, it can make a serious dent in your savings or set you up for massive loans.
Which is why it’s all the more important for you to plan your study to the T to try and save as much as possible.
One way of doing this is to get a part-time job while working in the UK which will help with daily expenses.
Another way of doing this is by getting a scholarship and the brilliant part about this is that some scholarships pay for your tuition but others even cover the cost of travel, visas, and cover your living expenses in the UK.
Today, we’re covering 10 such scholarships that are open for graduate and post graduate courses in the UK.
And some of them have deadlines approaching pretty soon so I’d step on it if I were you.
UCL Global Masters Scholarships for International Students
Degree: Post Graduate
Deadline: 27 Apr 2023, 5PM BST
Institution: University College London, UK
Number of Awards: Up to 75 scholarships are available in 2023/24.
Scholarship value: The scholarship is worth £15,000 and is tenable for one year only unless the full-time programme is 2yrs in length. In that case the scholarship will be paid 50% in each year.
Be eligible to pay the Overseas fee rate;
Come from a lower income background
Have submitted an admission application for a full-time Master’s degree at UCL in 2023/24.
Courses start Sep 2023
For more info click here.
2. UWE Millennium Scholarship for International Students
Deadline: 31 May 2023 (annual)
Host Institution: University of the West of England, UK
Course: Eligible Postgraduate Programme offered at the University
Number of Scholarships: 1 for September 2023
Scholarship value: 50% tuition fees for one academic year
Have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st in an undergraduate degree
Hold an unconditional offer or a conditional offer where IELTS or equivalent English language is the only condition
Be a new student to UWE Bristol with no previous UK study
Be classed as overseas for fees purposes
Not be a sponsored student or in receipt of another scholarship/award
Provide official transcripts at the time of application
For more info click here.
3. Global Wales Postgraduate Scholarships for International Students
Deadline: 31 May 2023 (annual)
Host Institution:
Aberystwyth University
Bangor University
Cardiff University
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Swansea University
University of South Wales
University of Wales Trinity St David
Wrexham Glyndwr University
Course: Eligible full-time PG programme at above Universities
Eligible Countries:
Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Spain
Rest of World: USA, Canada, India, Vietnam
Scholarship value: £10,000 for cost of tuition fees for one year of a PG Masters programme
Submitted an application to study a PG programme at above Universities
Due to start your PG programme in September 2023
Eligible for Overseas fees
Citizen of one of the eligible countries
For more info click here.
4. UWE Chancellor’s Scholarships for International Students
Deadline: 31 May 2023
Institution: University of the West of England Bristol
Courses: Eligible PG Programme at the University
Number of Awards: 1
Award value: 50% tuition fees for 1 year
Equivalent of a British 1st in an undergraduate degree
Unconditional offer or a conditional offer
New student to UWE Bristol with no previous UK study
Eligible for Overseas fees
Not be a sponsored student or in receipt of another scholarship/award
Official transcripts at the time of application
For more info click here.
5. The Glenmore Medical Postgraduate Scholarship at the University of Edinburgh
Deadline: 1 June 2023
Institution: University of Edinburgh
Number of Awards: 3
Courses: Human Medical programmes
Award value: Full tuition fees
Accepted for admission in the 2023-2024 on one of eligible Human Medical programmes
Offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and accepted that offer or be intending to do so
On completion will work in countries that will benefit most from their medical education
For more info click here.
6. IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships
Deadline: 2 May 2023
Institution: Institute of Education, University College London
Full-time Taught Master’s Degree programmes at UCL Institute of Education
NOT for MA Educational Neuroscience or online courses
Award value:
Tuition fees & accommodation for one year
Target students:
Low or lower-middle income countries
Residents of low or lower-middle income country
Unconditional offer to study a full time master’s degree at IOE
Not have studied or lived in the UK before
For more info click here.
7. University of Sussex Chancellor’s International Scholarships
Deadline: 26 April 2023
Institutions: University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Courses: Taught full time Masters programmes at University of Sussex Schools EXCEPT
Courses at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)
Development Studies MA
Early Years in Education MA (with Early Years Teacher status)
Globalisation, Business and Development MA
Governance, Development and Public Policy MA
Power, Participation and Social Change MA
Poverty and Development MA
Masters degrees in Social Work (if receiving a NHS bursary)
Online courses
Schools direct teaching courses
Any Masters funded by the research councils
Number of Awards: Up to 100
Award value: £5,000
Eligible for Overseas fees
Acceptance for full time Masters degree - September 2023
Excellent academic grades
For more info click here.
8. UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarships
Deadline: 24 Apr 2023
Institution: University College London
Courses: Bachelor’s Degree Programme in any subject offered at the University
Number of Awards: Up to 30
Awards value: 10 - full tuition fees & maintenance & 20- full tuition fees
Eligible for Overseas fees
Lower income background
Submitted application for a full-time Undergraduate degree at UCL
For more info click here.
9. International Undergraduate Merit Scholarships at University of Sheffield
Deadline: 24 April 2023
Institution: University of Sheffield, UK
Course: Any UG degree at the University except Medicine & Dentistry
Number of Awards: 75
Awards value: 50% tuition fee
Programme to commence in autumn 2023.
Offer for a course studied in full at the University of Sheffield.
Eligible for Overseas fees
For more info click here.
10. Eira Francis Davies Scholarship at Swansea University
Deadline: 28 May 2023
Institution: Swansea University, United Kingdom
Course: Full time taught master’s PG courses in Medicine, Health and Life Science
Number of Awards: 1
Awards value: Full tuition
2:1 Bachelors degree or equivalent
Formally accepted an offer to study an eligible, full-time, postgraduate taught Master’s programme within the College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea University for entry in September 2023.
New student to Swansea University
Demonstrate strong academic ability, financial requirement and desire to study
National, and permanent resident of EFD Eligible Countries 2023
Not receive any other financial support from Swansea University
Not be a progressing student from The College, Swansea University
For more info click here.
Now sometimes when you apply for a student visa you have to give an interview for your visa in which you’ll be asked a bunch of questions. And before you attend that, I definitely suggest you watch this video.
Until next time!