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Top Networking Events to Attend in the UK This Upcoming November & December 2023


Hey there.

It's no secret, networking is one of the most sure shot ways to land a job in the UK.

Simply put, networking is not limited to just talking to people. It's about selling your skills. Traditionally, to land a job, you find a relevant opening, send in your CV and cross your fingers and hope you get that interview call.

With networking events, you get to skip the queue and connect with the business directly, so it's straight to that interview, without the pressure of an actual interview.

Networking can be of two types - either networking among your existing friends and acquaintances while putting the word out that you're in the market for a (new) job or reaching out to people from within and outside your professional network.

While the first is something every working professional should constantly engage in, networking for a job requires time and patience. And actually physically getting out there and attending networking events where you can find similar likeminded professionals.

At many of these networking events, you will even come across hiring managers or often a business manager looking to hire for their team, so if you're looking to land that job, it's a great place to be.

Here are some of the upcoming networking events in the UK which you should definitely consider.

As always please read all the details before you sign up for anything or make any payments.

Until next time!

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